Monday, October 08, 2012

Things that go bump in the night

Brrrr! It's actually cold outside in October! I usually don't mind, especially at night, because I swear I sleep better. You get to snuggle down under thick, warm blankets and quilts and put your cold feet on your warm husband :).
This morning, I had just repositioned myself into a particularly comfy spot in the bed and decided to try to go back to sleep. It was about 5:30. As I was lying there thinking "Why in the world was I just dreaming about Big Lots and a To Do notepad" I heard a strange noise coming from outside my bedroom window. You know how your brain tries to get it's bearings and place a mental image in your head that would go along with the sound you're hearing? My mental image of this sound was someone taking a razor blade and cutting the screen out of the window. There was a pause, and then it started again. This time the noise woke my husband and we both jumped out of bed. We both started to frantically walk through the house to figure out what this noise was. Our little guard puppy stayed snuggled in the bed, either not hearing the noise or too warm to care. The noise stopped so we decided to start turning on all of our outside lights so we would be able to see if someone or something was out there. Hubby decided to take the gun for a walk outside (in her best Olive Oil accent "My Hero!") and finds nothing. No footprints or paw prints outside our window, and the screen was unharmed.
So naturally, I am wide awake now. I can not though, figure out what that noise was. Can you think of anything that would make that sound?
I guess for now I will keep watch on the couch, while drinking some hot earl grey tea and snuggled under a thick quilt my husband's mammaw made.
Have a great Monday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe tonight we can get some sleep or sic the guard dog on them :)